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In Person Classes

In person classes 

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Pumped Up Strength



Build lean muscle and boost metabolism!


Pumped Up Strength is a new approach to resistance training. That takes your strength workout to the next level by utilizing combination movement patterns to create a total body strength. Each routine will rev your metabolism, challenge your body in new ways, and build lean muscle mass.




Tuesdays, June 4-July 16


Strangway Centre, Sarnia
Register here



Aging Backwards


Feel freedom of movement!



An all standing workout to relieve pain, increase energy and improve balance, strength and mobility, so you can move freely and without restriction.







Strangway Centre, Sarnia
Register here

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Dynamic Pilates​



A fun way to get fast results!



This class combines fluid standing and floor stretches as well as mat work for strengthening the core and adds fun to the mix with the use of a ball and stretch band to deliver targeted, full-body results.

The gentle and accessible stretch sequences will leave your body feeling supple and moving more freely.


Tuesdays, June 4-July 16


Strangway Centre, Sarnia
Register here

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Strengthen & Tone


Reclaim your strength & flexibility!


A standing, floor and chair workout to tone muscles, find flexibility and give freedom to your your joints!




Strangway Centre, Sarnia
Register here



9:30-10:30 am

Great Lakes Dance Academy,

Brights Grove
Register here


Balanced Yoga for Self-Care​


Soothe your body & ease your mind.


Soothe your body & ease your mind.

Nourishing, accessible and gentle movement, complimented by yogic tradition and science-backed techniques, Balanced Yoga for Self-Care offers satisfying and empowering relief to those who are looking to manage stress and reconnect. Read more here.


Tuesdays, 6-7pm

April 9- May 14

Grace United Church Sarnia


Register here

Have questions?Please email me  and I can help guide to to which class is best- suited for you.

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